About The Community

For more than one hundred years the Ahmadiyya Muslim community has been leading a peaceful revival of Islam.  A community with tens of millions of members in more than 200 countries across the world, completely united under one spiritual leader. (www.khalifaofislam.com)

Established in the UK since 1913, the community now has over 100 branches across the UK and have opened a number of mosques, including the landmark Baitul Futuh mosque in Morden, South London, which is the largest in Western Europe.

The community stands for education, integration and interfaith peace and organises numerous seminars and events that bring people together to understand more about each other. (www.loveforallhatredfornone.org)

The community is also committed to helping others, engaging local communities and working for the common good. On this we have a long history of raising millions of pounds for British Charities, in fact, this last 12 months, the youth auxiliary; the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association, raised more than £1Million for British Charities.   (www.mercy4mankind.org)

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association is a unique, dynamic and vibrant youth organisation; aiming to serve not only the needs of its members but British society as a whole.


A.M.Y FC was established in 2013 with the aim of achieving greater engagement & development of its own members in football, as well as providing a platform to bring youth from different backgrounds together to bring about greater understanding, tolerance & respect between them.

A.M.Y FC promotes core values of discipline, teamwork, integration, education, raising aspirations, identifying achievable goals and pathways to achievement.  In doing so the club wishes to provide a platform for aspiring footballers (of all backgrounds) and even young managers/coaches to develop their skills and personal development.

While there has been considerable progress on the pitch:

Progression from Chessington & District Sunday Football League, through the Kingston & District Saturday League to now having 2 sides in the Surrey South East Combined Counties League (with plenty of cups wins along the way).

The club has also been involved in the following off the pitch:

  • Charity football events (Milton Keynes Dons Sport and Education Trust)
  • Homeless feeding
  • Blood donations
  • Selling Poppies for Royal British Legion
  • Filming of documentaries
  • Working with the Football Participation & Development department of the English F.A
  • Working with Premier League Football Clubs to provide access to professional coaching, sports science and Level 1 coaching qualifications.


In the future, the club aims to launch a Youth Academy and progress further through the lower tiers of the Football League.